123 Street Name, Los Angeles, CA

We are here to help you with your auto repair and service needs. Come in, give us a call or send us an email. We will get back to you as soon as we can during regular business hours.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The questions below are some of the most frequently asked questions we have seen from our clients. If you have a question that is not answered below or would like a further explanation feel free to give us a call to get that question answered.

HomeDoctorsPlus is a new concept that connects clients to professionals near their area in a completely new way that makes it easy and free for clients. We have developed a network of businesses throughout the US and through our matching algorithm we match you to the best professionals based on your location, service requested, scale of issue, timeframe, and a few other variables. The best part is we do this completely free and there are no charges or fees!

Unlike most business systems, there is no subscription based plan to use our services or a hidden fee. We have built a network of businesses we work with and we receive a small percentage from the company you are referred to. We guarantee that there will be no raise in cost for using our services.

As previously mentioned we use a rigorous criteria to determine which service provider is best fit for you based on a multitude of factors. The main factors we consider are location, type of service, and the size of the work needed. We may also take into consideration the timeframe you have for the work, budget, language preference, and special circumstances. Our goal is to get you the perfect match without you spending hours sewarching for that match yourself.

HomeDoctorsPlus has built a network in nearly every major city in all 50 states (1000+ buisnesses) and plans on expanding. This means we are able to connect you to the right service provider no matter where you are as long as it is US Territory. If we do not have an existing network built in your location we will do so to accommodate your needs.

If you own a business that offers any service related to home repair or maintenance feel free to contact us. We will help determine if you are eligible for joining our network and proceed as needed. HomeDoctorsPlus is still developing and open to expanding our network of partners.

Our Mission

Our mission is to revolutionize the way homeowners connect to service providers. We make it easier for you by connecting you to servce providers at no cost to you.


Any Questions?

Feel free to give us a call with any questions or inquiries.